Before WiccaCats initiated a smoke program, we specialized in breeding and showing bi-color Persians. Our cats were known for achieving numerous Grand Champion titles and securing several Regional and National wins. The original WiccaCats website is still accessible and continues to honor the beautiful bi-color cats that captured our hearts and gave us years of cherished memories.
Although the cats featured below are retired, they played an important role in the development of the WiccaCats bloodline. Their traits of heavy bone structure, long thick coats, small ears, large round heads, and sweet open expressions, are reflected throughout our breeding program.
WiccaCats cattery is registered with the Cat Fanciers’ Association
for the purpose of exhibition of quality Persian cats and kittens.
All of our efforts are strictly in favor of this hobby. WiccaCats is not
a business. We do not conduct business activities and therefore
do not have a business telephone, address, or facility.