Salymme granded in only 6 rings!  She is a fifth generation Dilute Calico and Krystalle's great grand-daughter.


Three Generations of WiccaCats Winners
(left to right)
Krystalle (grandmother/national winner)
Kayli (Messciena daughter) - National Best Dilute Calico 2011
Messciena (Krystalle daughter - Best Dilute Calico 2008 & One Show Grand

GC, GP, NW WiccaCats Kystalle Lynne
CFA's 4th Best Cat
National Best of Breed (Premiership)
National Best Dilute Calico Persian 2 years in a row

GC WiccaCats Angelica Lynne
Southern Region's Best Calico Persian 2004-2005


GC WiccaCats AyRhianna Gaile
Best of Breed - CFA Southern Region (2006)
NATIONAL 3rd Best of Breed (2006)
National 2nd Best Tortoiseshell Persian
GC WiccaCats Cotton Candy of Lark Hill
Best of Breed - CFA NW Region (2005)
GC, RW Lark Hill's Grand Slam (Candy's Son)





WiccaCats cattery is registered with the Cat Fanciers’ Association for the purpose of exhibition of quality Persian cats and kittens. All of our efforts are strictly in favor of this hobby. WiccaCats is not a business. We do not conduct business activities and therefore do not have a business telephone, address, or facility.


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