WiccaCats is the name of our CFA registered cattery. Our cats are bred to the Persian Show Standard and are exhibited at CFA cat shows throughout the U.S. We specialize in Smoke and Cameo Persians but occasionally work with other colors to bring in specific qualities and genetic variation to our breeding program. In the past, we concentrated on breeding bi-color Persians, but Smokes and Cameos have always had a special place in our heart, so in 2024, we set our sights on bringing our magical line of Smokes to the forefront of the show hall once again.

Nestled quietly in the rural community of Loganville, Georgia, our home is a place of love and devotion for our cats. We have been blessed with the magic of Mother Nature and some of the best Persian genetics in the world. Whether a kitten is offered as a pet, for exhibition, or something that might help take a fellow breeder's program toward a brighter future, they are all loved and cared for with the same standards for health, beauty, and temperament.

We are currently using several well-known Persian bloodlines including iCatcher, recognized for its beautiful solids; Palmetto, as the foundation for our smokes and cameos; and Alchemist, for its silvers to strengthen the inhibitor gene in our bloodline. The blending of these well-known catteries is proving to be a worthwhile endeavor to bring our Smoke and Cameo Persians back into the limelight of the show scene.

are no Exotics, Himalyans, or Color Point Carriers (CPCs) in the WiccaCats bloodline. There is still work ahead of us, but we are well on our way to achieving our goals and look forward to seeing the results of this exciting journey as it continues to unfold.


Locations of Site Visitors

WiccaCats cattery is registered with the Cat Fanciers’ Association for the purpose of exhibition of quality Persian cats and kittens. All of our efforts are strictly in favor of this hobby. WiccaCats is not a business. We do not conduct business activities and therefore do not have a business telephone, address, or facility.